We were at the end of a 5+ hour car ride, the kid was soo tired and on the verge of a meltdown or unconsciousness or both, and my husband was scanning through the AM stations looking for a football game when we accidentally discovered the oddest of triggers for some seriously sweet moves.
Brinton Family
Friday, September 11, 2009
My little Kandinsky
After going through reams of paper in support of Ben's "art", I got the brilliant idea that giving him a dry erase board and markers would be easier on me (and the trees). The results are highly entertaining, even if I had to discover the hard way that dry erase markers do NOT come out of clothing, and are pretty stubborn about washing off of baby skin as well.
this one is longer, but there's some good stuff in the middle--he shows off some of his vocabulary.
this one is longer, but there's some good stuff in the middle--he shows off some of his vocabulary.
Publish Post
Here come the posts...
It's been a long time since I've posted, but I thought I would put up a couple of videos that I've taken over the past month or so. These are repeats of some of the ones on my Facebook page, so no complaints if you follow both the blog and FB!
Friday, July 3, 2009
Family Pictures! (finally)

We finally had some family pictures taken, but more importantly, we finally documented exactly how adorable my son is! ;) I wish he would have been a little bit less serious, but I love how they turned out. It took me a long time to finally get around to it, but I'm glad i procrastinated long enough to find out that my friend Leah has a photography business doing beautiful natural lighting portrait photography. She did an AMAZING job, and I can't wait to get the prints in my hands so I can frame them and put them up on our vacant walls. Above are just a few of my favorites. The complete set of photos can be found on my facebook page. They were taken on the grounds of the Baptist Seminary in Wakeforest that was the original site of Wake Forest University before it moved to Winston Salem. Great location, adorable child, extremely talented photographer: made for a great photo session!!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
1 Year Old!
Ben celebrated his first birthday on Sunday, the 22nd of February. We had a family party for him on Saturday, and were able to celebrate with his Grandpa Ralph, Grandma Tinka, Aunt Wendie, Uncle Bill, cousin Dylan, Aunt Colleen, and cousins Elise and Hanna. He loved being the center of attention! I handed my camera over to Hanna for most of the party and she took some great pictures, but far too many to include here. (To see them all, click here). I've included some of the best ones in this post.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Vegas, baby!

Ben had his first airplane trip and first visit to Grandma Gerry and Grandpa Larry's house last month. He has proven himself yet again as the best baby ever by traveling better than I could have dreamed. On the flight out, he slept 3.75 of the 4.5 hour flight, and flirted with the flight attendants and anyone he could make eye contact with the rest of the time. He even behaved when we drove up to Utah the morning after we arrived so that we could spend a couple of days with Ralph's sister Heather and her family and see his Great Grandma B. for the first time. We had a great time, and our only regret is that we didn't get to see more of our friends and family while we were out west. While we didn't get to see everyone, we made a notable effort.
Benjamin continued to prove worthy of his title (Best Baby Ever) on our day trip to Cedar Breaks, our return flight home, and then when we had to drive up to VA unexpectedly 2 days later to be with Ralph's family after Tinka and our nephew Tasman were hit by a car while crossing the street. They are both doing well, Tasman with just some nasty scrapes and bruises, but Tinka will have a long recovery as she teaches her shoulders and arms how to work again after hours of reconstructive surgery. Needless to say, we had quite the eventful October, but none of it seemed to phase Benjamin, who continues to grow at an alarming rate and learns new things every day.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Catching up
I'm in the process of putting the last several months' worth of pictures up on the Kodak site. I have been VERY neglectful, but this way there's lots to look at, right? I'll post the links to each slideshow here when I'm finally caught up for those of you who are suckers for pictures. In the meantime, I thought I would post a sampling of the best photos here. Enjoy! For those of you not as familiar with this site, you can click on any of the images to see them full size and download them for printing.
June 08

July 08

August 08

September 2008

June 08
July 08
August 08
September 2008
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