Tuesday, April 22, 2008

2 Month Appointment

My brave boy had his first round of shots today (other than the ones he received in the hospital) and I think he handled it pretty well, considering. And I think that I handled it pretty well, too, thank you very much. It's a heartbreaking experience, to say the least. To give you some frame of reference for his current measurements, here are his stats from his hospital exam and his 1 month appointment, along with today's measurements:

He went from being in the 1st percentile to the 50th percentile in weight in just 8 weeks, doubling in size in the process. Amazing. It's nice to know that I'm fulfilling my motherly duties, at least in the feeding department.

The pictures below show Ben at one week, almost 1 month, and today. Barely recognizable as the same kid I brought home from the hospital!

1 comment:

Tsosie and Peterson Bunch said...

Hard to believe he's twice as heavy as when he was born, huh? He sure is cute though. Enjoy it while it lasts - they only get heavier to haul around.