I can't believe it's been over a month since I last posted anything! My parents got a webcam so they've been able to see Ben in action that way, so I've been less diligent about posting images and videos here. Here's a quick update on how Benjamin's doing at 3.5 months old:
Height: 25" (roughly)
Weight: 14.5 lb (according to my not-so-accurate home scale)
Over the past month and a half, he's started to talk even more - lots of strange new noises including laughing, gurgling, squealing, raspberries, and some sounds I wouldn't know how to describe. And he's definitely gotten LOUDER as he's gotten older.
He's discovered how to control his legs and feet and started swatting at and trying to grab his toys with his feet at about 2 1/2 months. He's progressed to grabbing with his hands AND feet, and is getting really good at bringing things to his mouth. His newest ( and cutest, in my opinion) trick is that when he's lying on his back, he grabs his toes with his hands and hangs on, just jabbering away.
He can roll over both ways (front to back and back to front) but he doesn't do it that often. we watch him carefully though!
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